Test Your Knowledge - Fact or Stereotype True or False - Answer Key at bottom
1. |
There is less need, today, for the gifts of the natural world for us humans in these modern times. |
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2. |
Our Earth is a sentient being - a living organism. |
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3. |
When Indians refused to conform to white man’s ways they were primarily sent to jail. |
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4. |
Stereotypical distortions of First People can be found in artwork in the D.C. Capitol rotunda. |
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5. |
The American Federal system was derived from Iroquois Federation tribal organizations. |
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6. |
The Northeastern Indians copied the pilgrims’ use of written laws and developed jails for their Indian criminals. |
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7. |
Historic trauma to the Indian was minimal as a result of European immigrants’ expansion into this country. |
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8. |
Christian missionaries wanted to bring Christianity to Native People because they saw their own religion and lifestyle as superior to natural laws and spirituality ascribed to by the Native. |
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9. |
The U.S. government wanted the Indians to relocate so that they could be all together peacefully in one place, and selected for the Indian tribes desirable plots of land so that the government could more easily help them as a group in this valued new location. |
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10. |
The European immigrants to this country were given good reason to fear the Indians from the beginning because the Indians attacked the newcomers without showing any curiosity as to who these new immigrant people were. |
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11. |
The government colluded with the missionaries to Christianize the Indians and to strip them of their spirituality, their culture and language, a process known as deculturalization: cultural genocide. |
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12. |
The government thought it was O.K. for the Indians to maintain their native languages and cultural traditions as long as they had Christianity as their core belief. |
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13. |
Indigenous people view all of life as sentient beings and all as their relatives--animals, plants and the Earth. |
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14. |
The notion that Indians paid homage to spirit in prescribed prayers and ceremonial offerings of thanks is a myth created by Hollywood. |
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15. |
The Indians wiped out the buffalo because they over-hunted it - Indian attitude at that time was that the buffalo were a ‘dime-a-dozen’. |
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16. |
Over thirty years ago the Six Nations Iroquois warned dominant society in: A Call To Consciousness about environmental issues that have become increasingly problematic, today - as well as offering solutions. |
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17. |
Historically, First People have been told stories from their ancestors warning them about extinction of the animals. |
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18. |
Indians bought and sold land to other Indians but objected to the white man asking to buy land from the Indians. |
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19. |
Columbus’ voyage across the Atlantic was to find and claim the island in the Bahamas that he named San Salvador. |
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20. |
Indians wearing their hair long had no significance to them other than convenience because they didn’t have scissors - and missionaries thought Indians’ hair should be cut so they would look better - more modern |
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21. |
The fact that small pox-infested blankets were intentionally issued to the Indians by the U.S. government for the purpose of genocide is just beginning to enter the awareness of U.S. citizens, today. |
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22. |
In 1978 Congress decided to pass the Indian Freedom of Religion Act because Indian spiritual practices and religious ceremonies had been previously condemned as against the law by the U.S. government. |
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23. |
Tribal land was divided up into small parcels and the U.S. government wanted Indians to become farmers on this land but the Indians didn’t want to farm because they were lazy and didn’t want to work. |
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24. |
Missionary workers and nuns were kind to Native children in the boarding schools, teaching them English while re-enforcing the Native children’s pride in their indigenous culture. |
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25. |
Traditional Indians were known to be very argumentative in their groups - interrupting each other, not listening to each others’ words, talking over each other, shouting each other down. |
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26. |
Traditional Indian children were left to their own devices to learn about life - they had little guidance from elders and were mostly taught by their many older siblings. |
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27. |
Traditional Indian children were taught from childhood that generosity is a sign of good character while possessiveness, greed, pride and envy are weaknesses to overcome. |
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28. |
Traditional Indians had no need for written laws, locks or prisons in their world because they were raised to live by an inner code based on honor that produced internal shame if violated. |
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29. |
Losing their ability to hunt, fish & rice - subjugated to white man’s food, living indoors rather than in their accustomed way out-of-doors, Indian peoples’ immune system became compromised, they contracted white man’s diseases. |
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30. |
Alcoholism among the American Indigenous tribes can be best understood as grief and loss reaction to their experience of historic trauma--their culture & language, their religion and way of life being stripped from them, family members killed, forced to live a way-of-life foreign to their nature.... |
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31. |
In the Seattle area, archaeological excavations in Discovery Park confirm that the Seattle area has been inhabited by humans for at least 4,000 years and probably much longer. Catholic missionaries began arriving in 1839, settlers in earnest from 1845. United States assumed regional sovereignty and seized the area from the Duwamish tribe who had been the original inhabitants. |
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32. |
The U.S. government maintains the right to pronounce Indian tribes as federally recognized or not - a rigorous process requiring the petitioning tribe to satisfy seven mandatory criteria, including proving historical and continuous American Indian identity in a distinct community. Each of the criteria demands exceptional anthropological, historical, and genealogical research and presentation of evidence. The vast majority of petitioners do not meet these strict standards, and far more petitions have been denied than accepted. In fact, only about 8 percent of the total number of recognized tribes have been individually recognized since 1960. |
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33. |
On January 19, 2001, the Duwamish Tribe wins federal recognition. However, less than 48 hours later, the tribe learns that President George W. Bush had suspended a batch of President Clinton’s 11th-hour orders, including federal recognition of the Duwamish. The Duwamish, indigenous inhabitants of the Seattle area, must, therefore, buy back their land from the government. |
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34. |
Manifest Destiny was a concept designed by the U.S. government to justify Indian Removal from their lands. |
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35. |
The Trail of Tears refers to First Peoples’ remorse for trying to steal homesteads belonging to cotton farming settlers in the Southern United States. |
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36. |
Battle of Little Big Horn was a result of white people's breaking Treaties with Natives--angering them by building roads into their sacred grounds...roads which disturbed buffalo...as whites were clamoring for gold. |
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37. |
Massacre at Wounded Knee involved the U.S. soldiers protecting women and children from being massacred by the Indians |
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38. |
Maintaining mainstream American's fast-paced, busy life is a corporate strategy promoting consumerism and resulting in little time for personal or societal reflection. |
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39. |
Blue Man was the vision of Black Elk which was a warning symbolizing the cause of unnatural and chaotic suffering and destruction on our planet (animal extinctions & weather/environment) due to greed and lack of respect. |
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40. |
Sexual abuse was perpetrated on Native children in by white superiors in the mandated boarding schools across America creating a richocet effect throughout subsequent generations. |
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All the answers to these questions are found in the body of the website text.